Mission & Vision
St. Paul’s Mission: To Cultivate Faith and Serve Like Jesus
St. Paul’s Vision: A Faith-Filled Community Connecting People to Jesus
St. Paul’s Vaulues: Christ-Centered Worship, Faith-Filled Community, and Passionate Generosity
We Believe:
That God, our Father, is Creator of all things; that God continues to sustain and renew creation; that God has chosen to be made known through the words of the Holy Bible and, most completely, in the living Word, Jesus.
That Jesus of Nazareth is the Savior. As the Incarnate Christ, he embodied God’s love, lived and taught the eternal truth of God being fully human and fully divine; that he died for our sins and was raised to life; that his death and resurrection open heaven’s doors to all who believe in him.
That the Holy Spirit is the active presence of God in the world primarily through the Christian Church as the Spirit gathers and sends individuals of faith; that the Christian Church includes all who believe in Christ and is best known in local communities of faith.
We Further Believe:
That our God forgives sin and invites us to wholeness and joy in this life and the life to come.
That God has uniquely created and gifted every person for a life of purpose and joy; that we discover and live this life most fully as we practice our faith as followers of Jesus Christ; that the Marks of Discipleship are appropriate, Biblical practices that grow people in a living relationship with God.
That all are welcome in the community of faith we call St. Paul Lutheran Church.